Friday, May 22, 2009

5. Week 2 Tarian Class – 18 May 09 Monday

6.30pm: Warm Up and basic stretching
There are some new stretching moves that I found out during dance class (Tarian) to flex a particular part of the body like the hip, wrist hand, shoulder and etc.

7.00pm: Learn “Lenggang”
This is my very first time learning Lenggang, It’s the basic traditional dance to learn. By swaying your hands and arms front to back continuously and lifting your legs 90 degrees gracefully while moving forward, backward and side to side.

We call our dance teacher, “Abang” means brother in malay. He teaches us four different dance Lenggang moves, the right posture and the right swinging hands techniques.

7.45pm: Short break
I didn’t know that dance could be so tough and tiring. I had forgotten to bring my water bottle. So I had to go Mac Donalds to buy a drink, I was so thirsty that I bought large light coca cola.
8.00pm: Back to Lenggang
Abang called us to gather around him, He wants us to do a small performance for him on what he had teaches us just now. Just by using the 4 different moves, choreograph a short performance and show it to him by 9.oopm.

9.00pm: Performance Time
* I'm wearing blue t-shirt and black trackpants. I'm at the right side of the stage and after the formation, I'll be at center front of the stage. Excuse my stiffness; this is my very first time dancing malay traditional dance, the Lenggang.

For your information, I was adviced not to display the music.